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7-9 Apr 2018 Sousse (Tunisia)
Keynote Speakers![]() Professor Belaid Aouni
College of Business and Economics, Qatar University. Doha 2713, Qatar.
Email: belaid.aouni@qu.edu.qa
A Generalized Approach for Outranking Multi-Criteria Decision Aid Methods
Abstract: Outranking methods are basically conceived for solving Multi-Criteria Decision Making Aid (MCDA) situations with a finite set of alternatives. In this paper we propose a comprehensive and structured framework that extends the application scope of outranking methods to Decision-Making situations with continuous sets of alternatives. This contribution is achieved through the integration of Multi-Objective Programming and outranking tools. The new approach is presented by integrating the weighted sum method (for continuous MCDA problems) and the outranking PROMETHEE method. The new MCDA framework will be illustrated through a multi-dimensional financial portfolio selection problem.
Belaïd Aouni is the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and full professor at the College of Business and Economics, Qatar University. He was a professor at the School of Commerce and Administration and past Director of the School of Commerce and Administration at the Faculty of Management, Laurentian University (Canada). He was also the Vice-Dean for Research at the Faculty of Management and an Acting Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at Laurentian University. He is the recipient of Laurentian University 2010 Research Excellence Award and the 2012 Teaching Excellence Award; he is also the recipient of 2005 Canadian Operational Research Society Service Award. He received a B.Sc. in Production and Operations Management from Tlemcen University (Algeria), an M.B.A. and a Ph.D. in Management Science/Operational Research from Laval University (Quebec, Canada). Dr. Aouni’s teaching and research interests are related to the areas of multiple objective programming and goal programming, multiple criteria decision aid, mathematical programming, production planning and control, and supply chain and logistics management. Dr. Aouni has served as President of the Canadian Operational Research Society. His publications have appeared in top-tier journals such as Journal of Operational Research Society, European Journal of Operational Research, Annals of Operational Research, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Journal of Global Optimization, Information Systems and Operational Research, Applied Mathematics and Computation and International Transactions in Operational Research. He is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Portfolio Analysis and Management. He serves/has served as a reviewer and guest editor of many of journals in the field of Management Sciences.
![]() Professor Sourour Elloumi
ENSTA ParisTech and CERIC research center, France
Email: sourour.elloumi@ensta- paristech.fr
Mathematical programming formulations for discrete location problems
Abstract: Given a set of facilities and a set of clients, discrete location problems aim to open a subset of facilities and assign each client to an open facility in such a way that a given cost is optimized. This class of problems have a wide range of applications and are much studied. We discuss different formulations of these problems by Mixed Integer Linear Programming and point out characteristics of these formulations, namely the size and the quality of the linear programming relaxation bound. Our objective will be to illustrate how the choice of a formulation may have an important influence on the running time needed to compute an optimal solution.
Key words: Discrete Location Theory, MILP formulation, Computational results Short Bio:
Sourour Elloumi is a researcher in the field of Mathematical Optimization. Her research focuses on Mixed Integer Linear or Non Linear Programming and their applications. Her main contributions concern solution methods for quadratic programs on the one hand, and faster formulations and resolution for discrete location problems. She is currently professor in Ensta ParisTech at Université de Paris Saclay and serves as president of the french OR society ROADEF.
![]() Professor Alain Quilliot
Email: alain.quilliot@isima.fr
Emerging Trends and Challenges in O.R.
Abstract: Operations Research was bornat the end of the years 40’s, from the needs of American Army supply chain, and deeply impregnated of the impact of mainframe technologies, newly emerging linear programming methodology and centralized management. Time flew away, and decisional computing has currently to adapt itself to technological change: Internet, wireless communications, remote tracking technologies and Big Data management; to socio-economical change: outsourcing, globalization and highly distributed economics; and to societal change: environmental concerns, need for democratization and flexible organization. This makes that very standard problems like for instance those which are related to the management of mobility or the scheduling of industrial activities have to be revisited while taking into account the change contexts which put focus on the need on flexible and reactive answer, on collaborative contexts or on Big Data and I.A related issues. So the purpose of this presentation is to introduce, through simple examples, the way new paradigms related to robustness, mixed decision, collaborative or on line programming, may lead to reformulate old problems into new ones, which open new challenges to searchers while trying to get closer to industrial needs.
Short Bio: Born on the 25/10/1953, former student of ENS Saint-Cloud (1973-77), « Agrégé de Mathématiques », and PhD graduate from PARIS VI University (1978, Dir. C.BERGE), Professor Alain QUILLIOT started its academic career at UNAM University of MEXICO (1979-81) as Cooperating Professor, and next (1981-82), at South Carolina University in COLUMBIA (USA) as Invited Professor. He next got a permanent position at ENSIMAG GRENOBLE and, at the same time, defended his Thèse d’Etat in June 1983 in PARIS VI. After he got in 1987 a Full Professor position at Blaise Pascal University in CLERMONT-FERRAND, he created a Master/Engineering department in Mathematics and Modelling inside the CUST/POLYTECH Institute, which he managed from 1989 until 1994. In 1993, he simultaneously created the Engineering Institute ISIMA, member of the Concours Communs Polytechniques (ex ENSI, CPGE) Network, and the inter-university research laboratory LIMOS (Informatics, Modelling and System Optimization: currently 85 permanent searchers, 94 PhD, 12 associated members and 7 technical staff), which is a mixed CNRS/University Laboratory and which got A+ AERES evaluation in 2006 and A evaluation in 2011. He led ISIMA from 1993 until 2007, and LIMOS from 1994 until 2014. He also was, in 2003, a founding member of the TIMS CNRS Federation (Technologies of Information, Mobility and Safety), which was made of 6 research groups in Computing, Mechanics, Robotics, which he led from 2007 until the end of 2011, and which gave rise to the newly labeled LABEX structure IMOBS3 (Intelligent and Innovative Mobility). He is currently the head of the CNRS network GDR 3002: Operations Research, which gathers 500 permanent searchers. Deeply involved in international and industrial partnerships, Professor QUILLIOT was also currently Chairman of the International Affairs Office (M.R.I) of CLERMONT-FERRAND town between 2006 and 2015, and vice-chairman of AUVERGNE-TIC cluster, which gathered from 2007 until 2015 regional I.T companies and academic players. He is still Director of the CNRS French-Chinese Joint Laboratory (LIA) Smart Computing for Sustainable Growth. Its personal contributions as a scientist include the supervision of 30 PhD and 9 HDR (Research Supervision Agreement) thesis, the redaction of more than 200 publications (80 in international or national journals and 6 book chapters), and several direct or indirect partnership agreements with companies like EDF, THALES, MICHELIN, France Telecom, SNCF, …